PERRY’S HEROES >> Middle Ages >> After Action Reports

The Morning of Bouvines ( 27th of July 1214) - Game II
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  • The Morning of Bouvines ( 27th of July 1214) - Game II


    Here is an after action report of a feudal skirmish during the 13th century. In this scenario the french knights Florent de Ville and Alain the Roucy must protect the rearguard train against the allies, Robert de Béthune and Hellin de Wavrin, vassals of the count of Flanders.

    The french cavalry deploys on the right flank while the main body of infantry with crossbowmen in the centre.

    Some men-at-arms hold the left flank to protect the rearguard train.

    Whilst the flemish left flank advances, the french crossbowmen manage to kill the mount of Hellin de Wavrin.

    The flemish men-at-arms regroup around Hellin de Wavrin to protect him.

    In the centre the brave french men-at-arms charge Robert de béthune and his men.

    The french knights attack Hellin de Wavrin and the flemish men-at-arms.

    The flemish mounted sergeant is down and the french men-at-arms on the left arrive to support theirs comrades.

    The french standard bearer is put out of action. Hellin de Wavrin is not decide to surrender.

    In the centre, the melee is fierce.

    The turning pointof the battle, Hellin de Wavrin and the flemish men-at-arms defeat Florent de Ville and the mounted sergeant.

    Robert de Béthune manages to escape and tries to stop the french train under a volley of quarrels.

    All the flemish men attack the poor Alain de Roucy.

    Alain de Roucy is finally defeated.

    Hellin de Wavrin leads the flemish troops towards the crossbowmen.

    The french party is defeated.